Friday, September 6, 2013

Simple Inspiration: BackYard Livestock. The First Class - Chickens

When we began our idea of Simple Inspirations - it was to provide workshops and classes to the community around us - inspiring you in THREE AREAS of living.

Track #1 - Grow Your Own Food 
For the past five weeks we've presented as many workshops and classes as we can on everything to do with growing fruits, vegetables and now Herbs {here} on September 19th and Lasagne Gardening {here}on September 15th.

Track # 2  Reclaiming The Domestic Arts
This Simple Inspiration Track thrills me and I blogged about it here.  So far we've held one Pickling Workshop and the second one is scheduled for this Sunday here. We have every Sunday in October scheduled with more workshops that center around your meal table. I'll blog about them this weekend, but here are the subjects:

  • October 6th - Farm to Table - Indian Style (or Taking the Mystery Out of Indian Cooking
  • October 13th - Basic Cheesemaking (with an optional Farm to Table Dinner)
  • October 20th - Preserving The Harvest
  • October 27th - Basic Cheesemaking

Track # 3 Your Backyard Livestock
Today, we just scheduled the first class in this track. Michael and I are incredibly excited to have you meet Bobbie Roth. She's quite the farmer celebrity here in the Phoenix Valley with press here and here

Bobbie will be at the farm Sunday September 22nd to teach a wonderful and informative class: Raising BackYard Chicken.  The Class will go from 1:15 until 2:45 on Sunday afternoon. Class fee is $20. Register HERE.

IF this Sunday doesn't work for you, we've asked her to do a second Raising BackYard Chicken on Sunday, October 6th at 1:15 until 2:45 pm. Class fee is $20. Register HERE.

Psst....Bobbie's next workshop is Preserving the Harvest on Sunday, October 20th from 1:15 - 3:15. All about canning with a demonstration on how to use a pressure cooker.  Workshop description to come - but register now HERE.

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