The girls in the back coop have had a daily party being free to run around. They're having a grand time digging up everything in the back family garden area. You'd think with all that fun, they'd lay a few more eggs. Not. :-( |
The Holidays are upon us - the eight-day celebration of Hanukkah with gift giving and games and lighting beautiful candle as we remember the Maccabean Revolt (an amazing piece of history) and the caroling and gift giving of Christmas as we remember the birth of Jesus Christ and then Auld Lang Syne - celebrating the start of the New Year.
We felt that this time was good for us to take a bit of a breather - to slow down, reflect and rest a bit and do some planning for the next season as well as get some things ready for a busy January/February kidding season.
In light of that we'll be closing the Thursday morning market. The last day will be December 22nd. We plan to resume Saturday, January 12th and start at 9 am rather than 8:30. However, that being said, sometimes weather decides to bring on a freeze and make things miserable and should that be the case, we might decide to take another week. So, please stay in touch with our blog for updates.
What Will Be Open
Our HSM (
honor system market) will remain open with everything available like Crow's Dairy Goat Cheese and goat milk, honey, our newest farm food product of
Goat Milk Caramels with sea salt and bourbon vanilla. We will do some harvesting of produce and put them in the market on a random basis.