Friday, July 12, 2013

A Cookbook I'm Excited About

The other night Michael and I had a lovely 4th of July dinner at Ben and Melinda's home. A little BBQ,  lots of chat about all sorts of things and a bit of girl time to talk cookbooks, the lost art of domestic home skills and the need to resurrect such skills.  Then, Melinda brought out this cookbook.

It's not like I need another cookbook or that I even buy them . . .

. . . but when I picked up this book and began to peruse it's pages - 

. . . I knew this was more than just a cookbook - it was an experience to be had - one to devour and enjoy of French Press coffee or a little glass of red wine. . . one to learn from.

I think it was this eggplant dish . . .
(and I'm longing for eggplant again - which will appear at our farm in just a few weeks) . . . 

. . . that made me think....this just might be one to invest in.   

Here's the cookbook on Amazon.

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