Friday, October 1, 2010

It's Friday and we've begun to gather . . .

 . . . for the market on Shea & 94th - N. Scottsdale Farmers' Market.

We're bringing . . . .
our gourmet French garden micro greens - it's a combination of cress, radish, fenugreek, clover, radish, arugula and dill. Can't get much healthier than this!  These micro greens are of course great on a sandwich, topped on a tomato, a slice of 76 cucumber with goat cheese and a mixed in a salad of greens.

We're bringing . . .
a basket full of American beauty eggplant with a few handful of our Mediterranean eggplant.  Those smaller purplish/white eggplant are perfect for stuffing.

We're bringing . . .
a basket full of our gourmet 76 heirloom cucumbers....crisp on the inside. Great for salad and sandwiches or just to nosh on.

We're bringing . . .
fresh cut herbs: basil, mint, thyme, oregano and a few others.  One of the things we hear people say is that they can smell our herbs when they walk in the door...and it's that lovely fresh fragrance that draws them to our French inspired market store.

We're bringing . . .
fresh cut flowers from the farm.

We're bringing. . .
a few pounds of okra pods.

We're bringing. . .
some hot spicy arugula.

We're bringing . . .
some fresh salad green mix....very little...the first of a huge crop to come.

We're bringing farm eggs from Ruthanne's Hen House (a friend of the farms)

The Simple Farm farm team hopes to see you this Saturday, the 2nd - 8 am at the North Scottsdale Farmer's Market on Shea & 94th St.

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