Friday, May 11, 2012

Once in a blue moon - a very blue moon - we'll open our farm to the public on a Saturday. I guess there's a blue moon of sorts this Saturday morning because we're opening our farmer's market THIS Saturday (tomorrow) at 8 am. The garden tour with Arcadia Edible Garden starts at 9 am.

Stop by, have a cup of coffee and a sweet breakfast bread. Get your weekly Cinnamon Bread (and lots of others to choose from) fix from Grano de Vida Bread company. Buy farm eggs, local honey and flowers for Mom and of course our famous gourmet caramel.

We'll also have a limited amount of jelly from our Vintage Collection. New French Aprons (another great gift idea for Mom), Goat cheese, Gelato and some vegetables - carrots, beets, chard, bunching onions, French Sorrel and a few other items will be in the baskets at our market.

Enjoy our farm ambience, a cup of our farm style roasted coffee and a morning breakfast sweet bread this Saturday.

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