Monday, February 28, 2011

Your Simple Edible Garden - Companion Planting

It's not as difficult as you might think to grow a garden. You need a good spot that has six to eight hours of sunlight - morning is preferred. You need good soil, good seed and a little understanding as to what likes to be planted next to what.  That's called Companion Planting and lucky for you and me there are some wonderful Companion Planting guides that have removed the guess work for us.

I've always worked the guide - except for one spring I ignored the advice. I wondered why my cucumbers just never took off.  After the fact, I checked back with the guide and read that sage and cucumbers do NOT go together. Thus - unhappy cucumbers!

In general, some plants emit chemicals at the root base or they might drop leaves that conflict with the plant next to it. Companion planting is the way to help make sure you have the best potential to have a healthy garden.

If you lack confidence to get started with your spring garden, we've got help for you at The Simple Farm. Anita Paul is an experienced Master Gardener and is available for a consultation and or continued help with your back yard simple edible garden. She can be reached at her mobile at 602.750.9538. 

Here's one of the companion planting guides I use {sorry, I've lost the link}.

Table 1. COMPANION PLANTING CHART FOR HOME & MARKET GARDENING (compiled from traditional literature on companion planting)
AsparagusTomato, Parsley, Basil
BeansMost Vegetables & Herbs
Beans, BushIrish Potato, Cucumber, Corn, Strawberry, Celery, Summer SavoryOnion
Beans, PoleCorn, Summer Savory, RadishOnion, Beets, Kohlrabi, Sunflower
Cabbage FamilyAromatic Herbs, Celery, Beets, Onion Family, Chamomile, Spinach, ChardDill, Strawberries, Pole Beans, Tomato
CarrotsEnglish Pea, Lettuce, Rosemary, Onion Family, Sage, TomatoDill
CeleryOnion & Cabbage Families, Tomato, Bush Beans, Nasturtium
CornIrish Potato, Beans, English Pea, Pumpkin, Cucumber, SquashTomato
CucumberBeans, Corn, English Pea, Sunflowers, RadishIrish Potato, Aromatic Herbs
EggplantBeans, Marigold
LettuceCarrot, Radish, Strawberry, Cucumber
Onion FamilyBeets, Carrot, Lettuce, Cabbage Family, Summer SavoryBeans, English Peas
ParsleyTomato, Asparagus
Pea, EnglishCarrots, Radish, Turnip, Cucumber, Corn, BeansOnion Family, Gladiolus, Irish Potato
Potato, IrishBeans, Corn, Cabbage Family, Marigolds, HorseradishPumpkin, Squash, Tomato, Cucumber, Sunflower
PumpkinsCorn, MarigoldIrish Potato
RadishEnglish Pea, Nasturtium, Lettuce, CucumberHyssop
SpinachStrawberry, Faba Bean
SquashNasturtium, Corn, MarigoldIrish Potato
TomatoOnion Family, Nasturtium, Marigold, Asparagus, Carrot, Parsley, CucumberIrish Potato, Fennel, Cabbage Family
TurnipEnglish PeaIrish Potato

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