Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Girl Scouts Learn To Milk a Goat

The end of September we had our first simple farm tour and 'how to milk a goat' tutorial for a local girl scout troupe.  Six eager girls learned the importance of knowing the farmer who grows their food and what 'eating in season means.'  They were able to take a little tour around our farm and through our gardens and to our hen house.

Our 'on-site' farm helper sprays the bottom of every one's feet as part of our bio-security measures to help limit the spread of disease into and out of our farm.  It's important to us to do everything we can to protect our livestock (dairy goats and our chickens) from the possibility of disease.

If you asked the girls what they enjoyed the most - they would all tell you it was learning how to milk a goat.  Each girl earned a Certificate as a Star milker (I still need to pass them on to the troupe leader).

Our farm is in the process of developing our simple-farm tours for children with a minimal fee - starting in January 2012.

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