Saturday, April 16, 2011

Not Tuesdays But Thursdays

Market days at our farm has changed. We used to be open on Tuesdays and now, instead of Tuesdays our farmers market at our urban farm is open on Thursdays.

So, on Thursdays - do stop by. We open "officially" at 9:30 am and close when our baskets of organic produce (fresh picked mind you) are empty.  Lately, that's anywhere between noon and 3 pm.

If you want to stay up to date with our urban farm happenings, our daily life, what we're planting and what is being harvested along with our Goat Stories - follow and subscribe to our blog.

Dried Calendula from our farm.

We almost always have fresh eggs available.

IF you need eggs - we will sell them on Thursdays AND just about any other day too. Just call the farm phone at 480.206.7821 - if you need a dozen or two or three.

When you buy our eggs...just know they are fresh, not washed (which removes the protective coating on the shell - leaving way for bacteria to enter the egg) and they are NOT dipped in lye.