Friday, August 13, 2010

What The Farm Is Taking To The Market

This Saturday we'll be setting up early at North Scottsdale's Farmers Market on Shea & 94th St.  We'll be bringing a few varieties of egg plant, lots of cucumbers (we planted only one variety - an old fashioned heirloom kind called Cucumber 76).

We also be bringing (finally) a few different varieties of melons - our French charentais included.

Arugula will fill a few baskets along with fresh herbs - thyme, rosemary, basil (of which one market shopper was delighted in last week.  I guess our leaves are quite large!), mint, and maybe a bit of French tarragon.

We also can't resist bringing a few stems of zinnias along with a few bunches of dried lavender.

Hope to see you at the market!