our sale barn

Our Herd
Our little herd comes from the exceptional lines of productive producers from Black Mesa Ranch in  Snow Flake, AZ and Crows Dairy in Buckeye, AZ. Some of our kids are from does with Superior Genetic designations and Elite Doe Status. Our breeding goal is always for sweet attitudes, production and health with beautiful. Our senior sire. Samson, is son of the top buck 6-M Galaxy Noel's Comet, who is the progeny of the top production doe, 6-M Galaxy Nova Sonia Noel.

Our herd is CAE negative, CL Free, G6S Normal and negative for Brucellosis, TB and Mycoplasma.

About Nubian Goats
Nubians are goats that produce rich and creamy milk. This breed is one that has a high butterfat content and we, personally love Nubians.

The American Dairy Goat Association
Our goats are registered with the ADGA and you'll pay more for a goat that is registered than you will for an unregistered one.  The AGDA tracks the performance, the lineage and the offspring of each animal.  I've learned that if you buy an unregistered goat, you have no way of knowing what you're getting.  We know who are goats parents, grandparents and beyond are and we know how well they produce and their awards.

Reserving Your Kid
A $100 deposit will reserve your kid.

Registered does and bucks $400 and on up.

More details will be posted soon on our breeding/kidding schedule, goat sales and policies.