Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The New Gourmet Goat Has Arrived

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better with my original vanilla caramel - it has.  A few years back I spent some time in Basque Country - Spain and France.

Pretty much every other day I'd drive over to Biarritz for the purpose of stopping off at Henriet.  Salted caramels were my mission. I'd never really tasted a salted caramel before my visit to France. I mean a real salted caramel. No one can make this candy better than the French.

You know how it is - memory/comfort food - it always sticks with you. Since experimenting with our goat's milk and making our own caramel (in a jar) I've had this secret desire to attempt to - at least get a close taste - of that salted caramel I loved in France.

I think I got it. At least close enough for my likings.  Before we could market the new Gourmet Goat - Michael wanted some taste testers. I pretty much got a nice thumbs up on our Guinea pigs and so now.....tada.......the New Gourmet Goat has arrived and will be on shelves at Thursday's Little French Market.....and I can't wait for you to experience a "taste of Henriet - from Biarritz, France" with me.

As soon as we can the Gourmet Goat (salted caramel in a jar) will be available for mail order in the US only.