Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Close to Insane . . .

. . . is what I'd call this mornings harvest for Thursday's French Market. We harvested boat loads of carrots, beets and turnips. Close to the close of the season for these roots, so now is the time to dig out some delicious recipes and prepare them for family and friends for a great meal this weekend.

All our heirloom squash is going gang busters - almost too pretty to eat and tomatoes are turning corners into the lovely colors intended by Providence.

And of course the famous Grano de Vida bread company is about to show up with the bread wagon of fresh baked breads that are to die for. Crows Dairy Goat Cheese is here too!

The New Gourmet Goat (Salted caramel) will show its pretty little self on Thursday as well.

Michael is planning on juicing carrots and beets - making the freshest ever - indeed healthy - juice for the morning market.

So, plan on coming and hanging out at our French Market and Cafe in the morning.