Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Turning Ugly Into A Beautiful Garden Area

This past year has been quite the adventure!  We've spent the last year turning dirt and sticker bushes into spaces and places of beauty.

We've Michael has ripped out fences, torn up dirt, built barns, put up fences, moved dirt around, built raised beds, made little gates and a lot more to reclaim 9080 E. Cactus Rd (Scottsdale, AZ) back into the farm/ranch land it once was.

His newest spot of attention has been to redefine and redesign the center island area of the turn around on our farm. It's been ugly for the past thirteen years with what I'd say would have been hopeless for anything other than the pine tree and the big rocks.

Creativity flowed the day my husband stood staring at this ugly place {here}

Today Michael spent time on Ugly and he's slowly turning into a spot of sanctuary.  Stay tuned for part 3 pictures!