Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Farm Life Today

Yesterdays market at our farm went quite well. Batavian and other gourmet lettuces (from seeds purchased from Italy) went like hot cakes. So did our Detroit red beets, cherry belle and French breakfast radishes, spinach, arugula (rocket), bright lights chard, mustard greens and of course our herbs ~ lavender, French tarragon, mint, parsley, oregano and English thyme. Oh - all but two dozen of our farm house (fresh) eggs went home with someone. That's good.

Today is a new day and it's Goat Dairy Day this morning at our farm.  I mentioned {here} that Lavender is due to kid in four weeks and she needs special beauty treatments to hopefully ensure healthy kids and the healthy delivery of those kids.  Actually all the does and the bucklings require different vaccinations, vitamin boosters, milk checks, hooves trimmed at different times and it just so happens that today is a day for much of that.  So, we're off and running.  Hope your day goes better than anticipated. Attitude and gratitude makes or breaks a day!  Tell someone thank you!