Monday, September 2, 2013

Come, Pickle With Me - September 8th 3-5 pm Pickling Workshop

Creating a pickling pantry isn't hard - it's fun and easy and it starts with a group of new friends meeting at The Simple Farm and learning step one: pickling cucumbers and taking your jar home!

There is a sweet movement to reclaim the domestic arts on the home front and 
as an older woman, I couldn't be more thrilled to see younger and older women (men too) 
come together to want to learn some of these traditional skills - 
that only make the meal table more amazing! 

Our first pickling workshop filled up within a few days (see pics here)
and this one has only a few spots left, 
so if you've been thinking about it, register today. 

Love these faces and these jars of pure goodness!

Simple Inspiration: 
The Simple Home - Domestic Arts Workshops 
is offering the second pickling hands-on workshop.

When: This Sunday - September 8th
Time: 3 - 5 pm
Where: The Simple Farm Inspiration Patio
Fee: $25 Register HERE

This workshop fee includes your mason jar pint, spices, your organic pickling cucumbers and fabulous fun meeting other people who want to learn how to create a pickled pantry just like you do!