Tuesday, August 13, 2013

PRUNING CLASS UPDATE - Expanded to: Practical Ways To Add Fruit Trees To Your Backyard.

Pruning Class UPDATE....
Expanded Inspiration to How To Start and 
Tend A BackYard Orchard of Your Own

Planting a fruit tree is one of the easiest and most practical ways to start your own edible garden.  We've updated and expanded the hands on fruit tree pruning to show you 
How can you fit a fruit tree in your backyard . . .
How to choose a variety that is right for the Phoenix area and . . .
Why summer pruning is important.

Gonna be a great hands on inspirational class with Jill Green of Sweet Life Garden says to bring your pruners and learn how to start an orchard of your own! Limited size - REGISTER HERE.

Last seasons tree trimming time at Jill's Sweet Life Garden

Jill says, "Keeping your backyard fruit trees small and manageable is important for your home garden. Summer pruning allows you to control the vigorous growth that makes it more difficult to thing, net and harvest your fruit in the coming season."

What will you learn? When, why and where to trim without fear!

Date: August 18
Time: 3-4 pm
Where: The Simple Farm
Cost: $10 and Register Here