Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hands On With Jill - Lasagna Gardening - Another Simple Inspiration - September 15th 3-4 pm

Simple Inspiration - 
Another Delicious Gardening Class
Sunday, September 15th
3 - 4 pm
The Simple Farm
Class fee - $10.00

Register for this workshop here

There are lots of ways to garden, but Jill of Sweet Life Garden, says that after years of gardening she and Hal, "finally got smart" and read Lasagna Gardening by Pat Lanza - a book she says changed her method of gardening from the "dig and dump" method to what she calls the "forest floor method."

On Sunday afternoon, September 15th from 3-4 pm, Jill will take you step by step - hands on - using the principles of Lasagna Gardening along with the bags of amendments we both use.

Register here.