Monday, January 14, 2013

2 Books That Intrigue Me

I'm always interested in discovering free food . . . food that is incredibly nourishing . . . like mallow - here in the AZ desert. It's a "weed" that is higher in iron than spinach and it's free and sautéed with onion and garlic and mixed with some brown rice makes a fabulous dish.

There is a delightful gentlemen that supports our farm. He is a scientist, from New Jersey and is 90 ish. When Dr. Scientist arrives on Thursday's market day, he always asks me, "What do you have for me today?"  I then proceed to let him know if the beets he loves are big enough for him or not yet.  He loves borscht and he eats raw and he uses a microwave and he's told me stories about choosing to not buy food (as a young man) and instead forage through fields to find greens to eat.

I am fascinated. Immensely so.

Several times he's told me about this book - Stalking The Wild Asparagus.

I tend to listen up when someone who is 90 ish tells me something more than once.  Today I ordered it here.

There's another book I keep hearing about called The Foragers Harvest and I ordered too here.