Monday, October 8, 2012

Finally! Our Fall Market and Cafe Open This Thursday

It was nothing less than exciting to walk around this morning looking at all we'll be snipping, pulling and gathering for this week's RE-OPENING of our Thursday morning Fall Market and Cafe.  We open these days at 8:30 am and close at Noon.

We look forward to seeing our little cafe tables filled with people sipping coffee, eating lemon cranberry pound cake or nibbling pumpkin scones and enjoying some fresh fall air at our little suburban farm.

Pie Pumpkins from Crooked Sky Farms

Menu Plan for This Weeks Markets - See here on how to shop a market.
To help you in your menu planning and market shopping - this is what we'll have in our market baskets:

Swiss Chard
Mustard Greens
French Breakfast radish
Bunching Onions
Apples (English Orchards)
Sweet Potatoes (Crooked Sky complement)
Sweet Onions (Crooked Sky complement)
Red Potatoes (Crooked Sky complement)
Pumpkins (Crooked Sky) - check out how last year our market looked. Lots of changes!

Crow's Dairy goat chevre and feta ( of course) 

Maybe some carrots and beets.

Lemon Verbena
Winter Savory
Garlic Chives

In the next few weeks - we'll add spinach, sugar snap peas and turnips to the lists.