Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Tastes of Fall at the Farm

What do you think of when you think of fall?  Cooler weather, leaves changing colors, sweaters and pumpkins, apples and spiced cider?

New Fall Breads
Carol's been busy in her artisan kitchen coming up with something tasty for fall - just for our farm. Pumpkin Spice Scones and Apple Cinnamon bread are her newest comfort food creation and both will be at our farm starting Wednesday.

Last week, Carol brought me a sample scone. This sample was (I think) her 3rd, 4th or 5th try for Pumpkin Spice Scone perfection.  Amazing isn't quite good enough.

New Fall Flavor - Coffee Bean Caramel
We are finally ready to introduce our new fall flavor caramel - Coffee Bean Caramel.  Goat milk and Fair Trade French Roast coffee beans cooked to a creamy sweetness and bottled up in a little jar - perfect for pouring/spooning over brownies, ice cream, crepes, apples (we have apples at our farm now) and lots of other ways. Our caramel has a 12 month shelf life and once opened refrigeration is suggested.

Our very popular Salted Caramel. 

Last year we had quite the load of pumpkins and this year we're going to bring a good selection of cooking pumpkins like Rouge vif detampes - the beautiful pumpkins that look like Cinderella's carriage, and the small, sweet New England Pie Pumpkin and the Sugar Pie Pumpkin too.  We'll also have a small selection of Jack-o-Lanterns for carving along with those cute little Ironman pumpkins - just perfect for little hands to paint.  We think we'll have our pumpkins this Friday. I'll post it if it looks like it will be a few days later.   Here's a picture of last years pumpkin patch at the farm.  Take note of the "before" market picture.