Friday, August 3, 2012

Weekend Food Feast - Eating in Season Butternut Squash, Acorn Squash, Eggplant . . .

 . . . along with peppers, sweet potatoes, okra, basil, a few loaves of Grano de Vida Bread and of course Crow's Dairy goat cheese will be filling the Honor System Market today and Saturday.

So you can "Eat the Season" we're complementing with Desert Roots organic produce today and Friday.  Kelly, the beautiful farmer at Desert Roots, is an organic grower and an incredibly lovely woman and I am thrilled to be able to provide some of her produce for our market.

Eating local, supporting your local farmers and eating in season is what it's about today.  Here I blogged about How to Shop the Market and then Plan Your Menu

Here's a couple of ideas for your Eating in Season weekend food feast
Roasted Eggplant and Feta Dip

Photo from David Lebovitz

Israeli Couscous with Butternut Squash and Preserved Lemons (David Lebovitz)

David Lebovitz photo

Baba Ganoush - with our eggplant and David Lebovitz recipe here.