Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ground Wheat Bread and Milk

In spite of there being "no market" there still is a "market" of sorts at the farm.  Those every day staples like eggs, milk (goat), some produce like eggplant, squash, Armenian cucumbers and herbs, honey and caramel.

Tomorrow bread will be back at the farm.  

Cinnamon Raisin
Sprouted Wheat
A lovely selection of Baguettes

I asked Carol to freeze this fresh batch - so it will stay nice and fresh for you in the farm market freezer.

Milk - Goat's Milk - I can't help but smile every time someone walks in and tells the story that their doctor told them to start drinking goats milk rather than cow. We appreciate the partnership we have with Wendell and Rhonda Crow of Crow's Dairy - carrying their farmstead artisan cheeses and goats milk.

Stop by Monday - Saturday and shop our farm from 7 am until 7 pm. It's the Honor System Market.