Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summer Break . . . . And What To Expect

Sorry - this is A LONG blog update post.

It's official - after THIS Saturday July 28th from 8 am until 11:30 am....our regular Thursday and Saturday mornings market will close until sometime in September. We will announce that re-opening here on the blog. If you don't subscribe to our blog - you'll want to. There is a form to subscribe with your email address over on the right.

We have to take advantage of the window of time to focus on planning, prepping and planting for the beautiful fall season crop of roots (beets, turnips, carrots, radishes) and shoots (all those leafy greens like kale, chard, lettuces, etc.).  

HONOR System Market
Monday - Friday from 7 am until 7 pm we have an HONOR System market with everything in the black fridge .  . . . see HERE about the HONOR System at our farm.  The farm is closed weekends until sometime in September. 

What We'll Have At The Market
We will continue to have all our GOAT MILK PRODUCTS: chevre, feta, milk, gelato, caramel

As they are available, we'll have eggs and honey.

Produce Available Too
We will also still be harvesting produce like eggplant, some watermelons, okra and herbs and these will be at the market.  When we harvest a basket full of produce, I'll announce what's available by putting out a quick blogpost.

Order Your Bread
The bread you love - Grano de Vida will continue to be available by ordering it on Sunday afternoon up until Monday morning at 10 am and Friday pick up at the farm.

This Is How You Order Your Bread
Email me no later than Monday morning at 10 am with your bread order (see bread selections here). My email is  Put in the subject bar: BREAD ORDER.

Bread will arrive Friday morning and need to be picked up anytime from NOON until 5 pm. All breads ordered will be at the market with your name on your order and the amount. You simply pay for your bread by placing your sales slip and the money in that Drop Box in the armoire. There is only one thing....the farm needs to have orders of $50 each week for delivery. If for some reason we don't have that on Monday mornings, I'll email everyone and let them know.

The breads we offer are: cinnamon raisin, sprouted wheat, ciabatta, pita bread and all those amazing Grano de Vida baguettes - garlic, Kalamata olive and rosemary, sun-dried tomato with basil, three cheese.

Confused? Got questions? Call the farm phone at 480.206.7821 or email us at