Monday, July 2, 2012

Specialty Items At Our Farm - Jams and Jellies

If our grandchildren are around in the morning my buttermilk pancakes are often the request - always with chocolate chips and "could you please make me a Mickey Mouse" one.  On other mornings breakfast at our home often consists of two "just laid an egg" over easy please, sourdough toast, an English muffin but lately it's Grano de Vida's ciabatta bread - sliced in half, toasted and then slathered with [real] butter. 

Since I make all sorts of jams and jellies - we have a lot to choose from - peach, apple butter, pumpkin butter, red wine jelly, lemon verbena jelly, strawberry honey jam, rose petal lavender and my and Ivana's favorite mint apple jelly. They're all delicious and suit any morning whim where something sweet is called for.

Last week, Jill Green of Sweet Life Garden (another jam and jelly maker) mentioned her Santa Rosa Plum jam.  I knew that jam had to be on the shelf at our market. Jill brought over a few jars and a sample for Michael and I. I have to tell you, it's my new favorite. Jill reduced the sugar amount down so the tart taste of the Santa Rosa plum wouldn't be masked by sweetness of the sugar. In two days we used up the whole little jar. 

All our jams and jellies are specialty items - made seasonally, are on our market shelf and make gourmet gifts from our farm.