Thursday, October 6, 2011

Simple Fall Decorations

Melissa's a friend I've never met personally, but love her just the same. While this mornings market farm muffins are continuing to bake, I took a peek at what she'd got going on her blog {love it} called The Inspired Room. She's the incredibly simple, lovely designer who helped me {via bloggy land} re-work a room in our previous home. Amazing.

Anyway, I decided she might not care if I stole - borrowed this picture from her blog. We all need a little fall decorating inspiration and Melissa's simple Holiday ideas seemed to be just perfect to share.

Now, on to my other reason for sharing this with you. We WILL have our delivery of these specialty French pumpkins at our farm any moment. Thirty have already been spoken for - so I'd suggest you get ready, peruse Melissa's Holiday Decorating ideas and then plan to rush to The Simple Farm to get your first pick on our pumpkins!