Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fifty Plus Trees - Fruit and Nut

It's been just over a year since we moved back into the house on Cactus Rd and reclaimed the land by farming it.  Besides our organically grown vegetables and herbs our plan included trees and to date we have planted about fifty fruit and nut trees.

Now it's time to prune these trees and we're excited that certified arborist, John Eisenhower of Integrity Tree Service is coming to the farm to hold the first hands on farm workshop entitled: Tree Pruning Workshop.  

If you know nothing or even a little or have some problem trees - we'd love for you to join us Saturday, February 12th @ 9:30am for this hands on farm tree pruning workshop.  Because of the hands on experience there is limited seating.

Details are here. Email me directly at if you plan to attend this workshop.