Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Frost Has Caused Loss, but . . .

. . .  I'm no longer going to stay bummed . . cause it's time to . . .

. . . decorate the farm house for Christmas.

Yesterday morning Michael and I went out to do our traditional walk around to inspect the farm gardens.  Thursday evening the valley had a frost warning and we dug out the old frost cloth to cover what needed covering.  

The morning walk around turned out to be pretty discouraging for us.  I cried looking looking at the loss.

Hard work and care to cover tomatoes, herbs and other vegetables failed us.  Our frost cloth was to light for the temperatures and we sustained loss to many tomatoes, beans and all our my flowers.  I think what was so tough for me were the tomatoes - many plants were loaded with small tomatoes that regular customers and one special chef have been waiting for.

So, such is life on the farm. I know it will all come back - in time.

On a happier note, while Michael plowed new ground, I worked some magic with the hula hoe and noticed the leeks have finally popped up along our west wall midst sunflowers and beets.

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