Monday, October 18, 2010

The Farm's Salsa Corn Chowder

Cooler weather definitely calls for soup simmering on the stove. And now that the cilantro in my personal potager is growing nicely, I'm going to add this favorite back on to the family menu of soups.

It's called Salsa Corn Chowder and it's a wonderful soup at this time of year.

Salsa Corn Chowder– Serves 6—8

1 1/2c chopped onion

1 T chili powder

1 t ground cumin

1 T flour

1 16 oz pk. sweet corn (thawed)

2 c salsa

13 3/4 oz can chicken broth,

1 8 oz container of soft cream cheese,

1 c milk, fresh

springs of cilantro

First, in a large saucepan saute your onions in butter in a large saucepan.
Stir in your flour and your seasonings.Add your thawed corn, salsa, broth and bring this to a boil and then immediately remove it from the heat.

Now, gradually add 1/4c of your hot mixture to your cream cheese (which you have already put into a bowl).Stir this well until it’s blended.

Continue until it’s all combined and blended.

Cook this until it’s thoroughly heated. DO NOT BOIL. Serve immediately in bowls and top each bowl with a small sprig of cilantro.